

Healthy Facts

Ten Health facts

 Ten Health Facts 1. Number of bones in our body at birth is 350. But the number of bones for  an adult is 206 because many bones fuse together during growth. 2. Yawning is contagious .why. Because of social bonds between people.  People understand and feel the emotions of another. 3 .  An adult blink about 15 times per minute, but a baby blinks only two times per  minute.  baby gazing 4. Those whirls, loops and arches on your fingertips are unique to each like our  tongue has unique imprinted. 5.We breathe without thinking about it, because the brain stem, is the autopilot for  our most important functions such as breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate. 6. Length of the small intestines is 22 feet whereas the length of the Large  intestines is 5-6 feet only. 7. Our retina is covered with millions of special cells called rods and cones that  process light from the lens and cones detect colors. 8. Tears are salty. why. because sodium ...

Muttton leg soup - Health Benefits

 Mutton leg soup - Health Benefits Mutton soup is an extremely refreshing and nutritious dish to be had during the  monsoon season. Mutton soup flavored with spices, is included in the post-delivery  diet for women to regain their strength. Recipe Ingredient   Lamb leg  - 2 onion - 2 tomato   - 1 green chili  - 1 ginger garlic paste  - 1/2 teaspoon pepper  -   1/2 teaspoon cumin seed-1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder-1/2 teaspoon salt as required. PREPARATION 1. First take the washed lamp leg and add it to the cooker. lamp leg 2. Add ginger-garlic paste, onion, tomato, and green chili as mentioned  above.3.also add pepper and cumin powder and 4. Finally, add turmeric and salt. 5. Add about 800ml of water, close the cooker lid wait for about 30 minutes and  after that reduce the flame and keep on the stove for another 10 minutes. 6. Then off the stove and now the soup is ready to serve. Garnishing with some  coriander...

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Home page

  Welcome to my blog This blog has been created with the primary focus of sharing information about  health  information. The intention is to provide useful, factual information in an easy- to-digest  format.  There will be several posts here and related pages on other sites geared toward  helping you make better decisions about your personal health and wellness.  All posts should be self-explanatory, but if you are new to this site please check out  the introduction post first. It will also be a great place to help you the first step  towards better health. Each of these pages will lead you to more specific articles  that  address a particular topic or subject. General facts  help you stay healthy My first post ----> Diabetics food

Five main Reasons for Diabetes - Health Facts

Five main Reasons for Diabetes - Health Facts 1. Insulin Resistance Insulin resistance is the first step toward diabetes. When insulin levels drop,  glucose levels  rise. Glucose is the primary fuel for cells. If the body does not  produce enough insulin, then  glucose cannot enter the cells and stays in the  bloodstream. In time, if insulin resistance  continues, the pancreas may have to  work harder to make more insulin. Eventually, the  pancreas becomes exhausted  and produces less insulin than normal. 2. Obesity Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Overweight people tend to have  higher insulin levels than those who are leaner. Fat cells take up more space than  muscle cells. As far as cells expand, they crowd out the space where insulin- producing beta cells should live. 3. Genetics Some people inherit genes that cause them to develop diabetes at a young age.  Other people develop diabetes later in l...